Meet our leadership
Say hello to the leadership team at Apostolic Life. Have questions for the lead team at Life? Contact us by clicking here.
Pastor Phil and Amber Johnson

Pastor Phil Johnson relaunched Apostolic Life Church in 2016. Since then, he has served as Life's Lead Pastor. First Lady Amber is the co-founder of LIFE Counseling Services of Mid Michigan, serving as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Married for 15 years, together Pastor Phil and Amber have two precious children, Alayah and Jeremiah.
Ryan and Ericka Booker | Deacon

Deacon Ryan and his wife Ericka Booker have been members of Apostolic Life since its inception. Ryan has served faithfully since 2010. Ericka is the co-founder of LIFE Counseling Services and serves as a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Marsellus and Nicole Harris | Deacon

Deacon Marsellus and his wife Nicole Harris have served ALC together since they were married in 2018. Marsellus has served as deacon since inception, and dating back to 2014. Nicole volunteers in various capacities within the ministry.
Blaine and Denise Trarop | Deacon

Deacon Blaine and his wife Denise Trarop have been members dating back to the early days of our former church. Deacon Blaine and Denise serve in various capacities in the ministry including transportation, hospitality and Celebrate Recovery.
Katrina Wynn | Deaconess, Business Director

Katrina Wynn has served as ALC's Business Director since its inception. She was recently promoted to the office of Deacon, the first female to hold this position in the history of this ministry. She serves in a number of ministries here at ALC.